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Capacity Session 06 - Homework Assignments

Complete A - C of the Homework assigned




To eliminate restrictive beliefs it is important to first understand their nature. Previously it was stated that restrictive beliefs are the false statements of reality that feels true on some level, and we assume them to be true. So how can we prove that they are in fact false?


Let’s look at a simple example: Someone walks into the room and does not speak to you. What are your first thoughts?  ‘He is angry at me, he is being rude, he had a bad day, or he is thinking of something else and did not see me…’


Now ask yourself, are any of the above possibilities the truth? Fact is, probably not, and you won’t know until you specifically ask, but so many times we would ATTRIBUTE a meaning to the event, and then accept it as the truth and it becomes a belief for us.  In the same way our feelings come from our interpretation of a situation. Years and years of attributing a meaning to a specific event, results in a belief so deeply rooted in our system, that we take it as truth or reality.


We form beliefs to give meaning to events that don’t have real meaning. We then think we observe the meaning of the event. It becomes a fact for us.


Events do not have any meaning until you attribute meaning to it. The meanings you give to meaningless events are the beliefs about yourself and life that ultimately determine what you believe, do and feel.


If it were the actual events that happened in your life that determined your life, then you would be in big trouble because you cannot change what happened to you! But it is the beliefs about the events that determine your behaviour and feelings today therefore you can change the rest of your life by simply changing your self-beliefs (mind sets).




Think about the self-beliefs you have. Compile two lists. Firstly, list all the positive beliefs you have about yourself, all the things you are good at. Then make the second list and note all the negative beliefs you have about yourself; the things you are not good at.


Look at the list of positive beliefs and spend some time thinking about each one.  Remember the positive things that happened that lead you to hold these beliefs. 


Now review your list of negative beliefs. Take the top three. The ones that really hold you back. Ask yourself the following questions for each belief:

  1. Where did this belief come from?

  2. What was the situation in which I’ve attributed this belief?

  3. How do I feel about the person that made me adopt this belief? 

  4. What is this belief costing me on a daily basis?

  5. What will holding this belief mean for me in the long term?

  6. How will my life be different if I let go of this self-belief? 

Now take each restrictive and negative belief, and re-write them in the positive as a new belief.




It is essential to have a PMA! Positive Mental Attitude! Everyone, without exception, can develop a positive mental attitude. 


You can only have one thought at a time. You alone control that thought. It can be either positive or negative and you decide which it is to be. You also decide how long to hold on to it. 


2 Corinthians 10:5 NKJV

‘…Casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,’


Take each restrictive belief you have and find a scripture from the Word of God that confirms His thoughts towards you!


Romans 12:2 NLT

Don’t copy the behaviour and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.


We change when we apply the Word of God to our lives. We also need to understand that we have the power to change our lives.


There are two Greek words translated ‘power’ in the New Testament. The first is ‘EXOUSIA’, this refers to delegated power which is authority – that is the right to act for another.  (Examples in Matt 9:8 and Matt 23:18)


The other Greek word translated power is ‘DUNAMIS.’ This refers to inherent power. This power is capable of reproducing itself and from this word we got the English word ‘dynamo’. A dynamo converts mechanical energy into electrical energy and this returns in cycle.  In the context in which Jesus used it, it is dynamic ability to cause change. 


Luke 24:49 NLT

“And now I will send the Holy Spirit, just as my Father promised. But stay here in the city until the Holy Spirit comes and fills you with power from heaven.”


Acts 1:8 AMPC

But you shall receive power (ability, efficiency, and might) when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be My witnesses in Jerusalem and all Judea and Samaria and to the ends (the very bounds) of the earth.


This is the reason you can recreate your world! When you receive the Holy Spirit, you also receive dynamic ability to cause changes. 


God has put in you every quality that you need in this world to be who He has determined you to be. Recreating your world begins in your Spirit. As the Word is spoken, it transforms your imagination into reality. Reality does not mean tangible, rather it means truth. It exists and it’s there whether or not you can touch it.




Many people are unaware that they hold limiting beliefs about themselves and those beliefs have such a powerful influence on the quality of all aspects of their lives.


As a homecell leader, you need to be sensitive and aware of the beliefs that limit and hold back - in your own life but also within the homecell. You must learn to recognise them in the members in your homecell; identify the language and behaviours associated with them and have the courage to challenge members to raise awareness, and to encourage them to take responsibility for their own restrictive beliefs and to apply the Word of God in order to change. 


Many people cannot understand why they are not achieving their goals. If their aims and goals are incompatible with their underlying beliefs, there will be conflict.


"Believe that you will succeed, and you will." - Dale Carnegie




Brainstorm a number of key areas in your life that are important to you. Possible areas can be career/work, personal development, friends, family, husband/wife, spiritual life, financial, physical environment (location, where and how you live), fun, recreation, rest, health, vitality, social life and emotional wellbeing etc.  


Choose your top 7 areas and give each area a score out of 10; 10 being very satisfied with an aspect of your life, and if not satisfied at all, it would be 2 or 1). Identify where your life is out of balance.



  1. Spiritually*         (prayer time, fasting days, Bible study, etc.)

  2. Relationally       (family, friends, etc.)

  3. Vocation               (career, marketplace calling, own business etc.)

  4. Ministry                (in the church, etc.)

  5. Economically     (bringing, giving, spending, saving, investing, etc.)

  6. Physically            (exercise, health, diet, etc.)

  7. Rest                         (recreation, vacation, play, entertainment, sports, etc.)

*Please note that as born-again believers we understand and function with God as the centre of our lives!  Making ‘spirituality’ one of the segments above does not mean that God becomes just a part of your life.  Your relationship with God form the basis of everything you do and are.  It has been included as an area to help you establish goals for your spiritual life i.e. for praying, your personal Bible study etc.  We walk by the Spirit but we still need to discipline ourselves.




The purpose of the ‘Options’ stage is not to find the ‘right’ answer but to create a list of as many alternative courses of action as possible.  It is a brainstorming exercise to gather all the ideas without any judgement or evaluation.


One of the factors that many times restrict the effectiveness of this process is the unspoken assumptions we hold.  Many times we think:

  • It cannot be done

  • It cannot be done like that

  • It’s bound to cost too much

  • They would never agree to that

  • What ideas do you have that might move you closer to your goal?

  • Can you write down 6 ideas?  Let them flow, do not edit them.

  • What could you do if

    • If you devoted yourself to resolving just this issue?

    • If you did not have to live with the consequences?

    • If you were not scared of anything?

    • If you totally believed in yourself?

  • Resources were unlimited?

  • If you went to your boss/friend/leader what might he/she suggest?

  • Don’t be critical of your ideas.

  • Now look at your list.  What else is there?  Have you missed the obvious?

  • Think about your goal again, and then look more critically at your list.  Choose the number of ideas or actions you want from your list of options that would move you forward.  

Challenge these assumptions by asking ‘What if it was possible.. or could be done.. or we had the money..’


When you are sure that you have no more ideas, just come up with one more – John Whitmore


In the options stage, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What ideas do you have that might move you closer to your goal?

  • Can you write down 6 ideas?  Let them flow, do not edit them.

  • What could you do if

    • Resources were unlimited?

    • If you devoted yourself to resolving just this issue?

    • If you did not have to live with the consequences?

    • If you were not scared of anything?

    • If you totally believed in yourself?

  • If you went to your boss/friend/leader what might he/she suggest?

  • Don’t be critical of your ideas.

  • Now look at your list.  What else is there?  Have you missed the obvious?

  • Think about your goal again, and then look more critically at your list.  Choose the number of ideas or actions you want from your list of options that would move you forward. 


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